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Thursday, March 25, 2010


How are you today :

What am I ?

I am composed of seven letters. 
The first two stand for a boy. The first trhee stand for a girl. The first four stand for a brave boy.
But all my letters stand for a brave girl. 

What word I ? he.he.he.he.


How Are You Today :

What am I ?

I have a head, but I don't have eyes or ears. I foam at the mouth, but I roar, but I never bite. I roar, but I have no tongue. I lie in a bed, but I have no back. I rise , I fall, I rush and run, but I have neither legs nor feet. I was born in the mountains, but I go down to the Ocean whenever I can. I cannot keep still for a moment. I am as restless as can be.
What am I>>>>ha..ha..ha???????

Let's smile for a while

How Are You Today :

A little boy is talking with his big brother

+ :    I know what you are going to say next.  
 - :    What....??
+ :    See? I know you'd say "What"!!

Arjuno proudly tells his mother 

Arjuno:    Mother I got one-hundred in two subjects.
 Mother:    Fine Arjuno. What were they?
Arjuno:   forty in history and sixty in arithmetic 

The teacher is asking an arithmetic question : 

Teacher :   Paijo, if you found four hundred rupiahs in your right pocket and three hundred rupiahs in your left pocket, what would you wear ? 

Paijo     :
   I would wear someone else's pants. 


Bad Boy  

All the kids were trying to impres Grandpa, who had come for a visit. Sari boasted saying :
Sari :   I'm first in arithmetic, Grandpa
Oon said : he had come in first in the spelling bee
Grandpa asked little dondot : what are you first in, Dondot?
Dondot :   Well, I' the first one out the door when the bell rings..
